Become an Insider!
MADE Rewards is a loyalty program for my faithful customers. Your support of my handmade business is so appreciated! I want to show my gratitude by offering a rewards program that gives back to my best customers!
What's in it for you?
Every dollar you spend earns you one rewards point.
A special treat on your birthday!
Never miss out on special offers or insider perks!
How do I earn rewards?
Anytime you place an order through the website your points will be added to your balance.
If you shop in person at a market, simply let me know you are a member of the program!
If you shop in any retail location that carries my products, simply e-mail a picture of your receipt to and I will add those points to your balance!
Points are updated at the end of each business day. Once your account reaches 150 points, you will receive a Gift Certificate for $15 off any purchase.