
Glimmering all over the place...

Glimmering all over the place...

I was standing taller, smiling so much more, noticing things that I hadn’t taken the time to notice in a very long time and it all started with putting ribbons in my hair! This prompted a series of choices for me this Spring that ended with a daily decision to chase after joy. I hope these boxes will serve to help us remember that we can choose joy everyday, and in doing so we can become a bright spot - a glimmer - for other people!

In its time...

In its time...

Ecclesiaties 3:11 says “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

I still have hope for a family of my own, for living children here on earth, so that my husband and I can have the joy of being parents this side of heaven. While I often get very discouraged that we are still waiting after all this time, I know that when it happens - it’s going to be so much more beautiful that I can fathom.

Overcoming Guilt

Overcoming Guilt

Since we brought Lula home there have been many times when I have asked myself why I thought I had time for a puppy. I’m forced to shorten my days away from home. When I am at home, inventory creation can only happen in managed chunks of time. When I’m working online I have to be efficient and take breaks to play tug with my energetic puppy.

It’s almost like having a toddler...

Every Season

Every Season

Ecclesiastes 3 has always been somewhat of a touchstone passage for me. When things seem to be crumbling I try to remind myself that it is just a season and things will get better. It can be hard to stay positive when it seems like the troubles keep coming one after another. In fact it becomes incredibly easy to start going backwards and list out every thing that has gone wrong in the past year, two years, even five years. 

Counting it ALL Joy

Counting it ALL Joy

This Sunday will be James’s first birthday. There will be no smash cake, no adorable photo shoot, no big party to celebrate our baby getting another year older. Just reminders of all of the things we missed out on this year. No first laughs, no sleepless nights because he isn’t feeling well, no tummy time or learning to crawl. 



My heart is so heavy. The past few weeks have been full of moments that slam the breath right out of me and drop me to my knees with overwhelming grief. Two weeks ago, in the middle of an ordinary day, something as simple as a promotional mailer set my world in a bit of a tailspin that I haven't pulled out of yet.



I gritted my teeth as I raised my arms above my head and threw the black trash bag to the ground. I heard the shattering of clay and watched the bag break to release a few larger pieces of the pot. The emotional release brought me to tears. I'd been waiting six weeks to break something.