MADE by Danielle

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Have you ever sat in a room in your house and thought to yourself, 'This room just isn't working for me. It doesn't seem like anything fits.' But when you start trying to figure out what to move, you find you like it all?

This is exactly what was happening with me, only it wasn't a room in my house. For a while now I've been feeling like my business just wasn't working for me. I felt like I was pushing products that I loved, but that didn't fit together. I started to consider choosing one brand (jewelry or candles) but then decided that I loved them both too much to choose!

So after some soul searching and on the advice of some trusted mentors, I decided to get back to the heart of my business. MADE by Danielle is my new brand that encompasses all of my creative products & classes. Crafty Wino Candles aren't going anywhere & Wired Essentials jewelry is still everything you expect it to be. But my focus is coming back to the heart of the matter. All of these things are handmade by yours truly. I love to play with new ideas from time to time & I want to share that with you! 

I want to get back to blogging about the crafty products I take on (in my spare time 😆). I want to show you the awesome finds I come across and even share some of my friends' work with you from time to time.

The website and social media channels have a new look, but the handmade quality that you've come to expect from me isn't going to change. You'll notice over the next few weeks that I'm rolling out a couple of new things; FREE Workshops in the MADE Community Group on Facebook, MADE by You - more in-person classes and home parties and even more! 

If you aren't already in the Facebook Group I would love for you to join us! Head on over to to join!